Sarah Yini Gao
Research Interests
Decisions under Uncertainty and Distributionally Robust Optimization
Completely Positive and Co-positive Program
Optimization and Game Theory
Healthcare and Humanitarian Operations
Supply Chain Risk management
Process Flexibility
Innovative Business Models
Published Papers
Gao, S. Y., He, Y., Zhang, R., Zheng, Z., Lam, S. W., and Tan, E., 2024. Optimizing Initial Screening for Colorectal Cancer Detection with Adherence Behavior. Accepted in Management Science. [Link]
- POMS HK 2022 Best Student Paper Competition, 1st Place.
Lu, L., Fang, X., Gao, S.Y., Kazaz, B., 2024. Converting Counterfeiters in Emerging Markets to Authorized Suppliers: A New Anti-Counterfeiting Measure. Accepted in Production and Operations Management. [Link]
Zhu., T., Yeo, N., Gao, S. Y., and Loke, G., 2023. Inventory-Responsive Donor Management Policy: A Tandem Queueing Network Model. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. [Link]
Cheng, G., Gao, S. Y., Yuan, Y., Zhang, C., and Zheng, Z., 2022. On the Test Accuracy and Effective Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Singapore. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 52(6), pp.524-538. [Link]
Gao, S.Y., Simchi-Levi, D., Teo, C.P., Yan, Z., 2019. Disruption Risk Mitigation in Supply Chains - The Risk Exposure Index Revisited. Operations Research. [Link]
Yan, Z., Gao, S.Y., and Teo, C.P., 2017. On the Design of Sparse but Efficient Structures in Operations. Management Science. [Link]
Gao, S.Y., Lim, W.S. and Tang, C., 2016. Entry of Copycats of Luxury Brands. Marketing Science, 36(2), pp.272-289. [Link]
Gao, S.Y., Lim, W.S. and Ye, Z., 2022. Optimal Channel Strategy of Luxury Brands in the Presence of Online Marketplace and Counterfeits. European Journal of Operational Research, 308(2), pp.709-721.[Link]
Gao, S.Y., Lim, W.S. and Tang, C., 2016. The Impact of the Potential Entry of Copycats: Entry Conditions, Consumer Welfare, and Social Welfare. Decision Sciences. [Link]
Gao, S.Y., Sun, J., and Wu, S. Y., 2016. A Semi-infinite Programming Approach to Two-stage Stochastic Linear Programs with High-order Moment Constraints. Optimization Letters, pp.1-11. [Link]
Gao, S.Y., Kong, L. and Sun, J., 2014. Robust Two-stage Stochastic Linear Programs with Moment Constraints. Optimization, 63(6), pp.829-837. [Link]
Working Papers
Gao, S. Y., Teo, C.P., and Zheng, H., Homeland Security Games: The Value of Flexible Redeployment. Major Revision in Operations Research.
Wang, X., Zhu, Y., Gao, S. Y., Zheng, Z., and Lam, S. W., Screening Process Information Matters More Than Clinical Information: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Information Sharing on Cancer Screening Decision. Major Revision in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
Bandi, C., Gao, S. Y., Moorthy, R., Tan, B. K., and Teo, C. P., Optimal Scheduling and Policy Design of Two-Dose Vaccination Rollout. under review.
Previously distributed by the title "Vaccine Appointment Scheduling: The Second Dose Challenge."
Gao, S. Y., Lyu, G., and Bi, S., Post-Disaster Humanitarian Logistics Planning: A Time-to-Survive Framework. under review.
Lu, L., Boyabatli, O., Gao, S. Y., Flexible vs. Dedicated Technology Choice in the Presence of Multiproduct Subscription Programs. under review.
On the Adherence of Colorectal Cancer Screening Policies – A Survey Study in Singapore. under preparation. (With Nicholas Yeo, Yan He, and Zhichao Zheng).
Rethinking Appointment Scheduling: Addressing Counselor Burnout and Improving Patient Outcomes. under preparation. (With Kejia Hu, Yuchen Liang, and Chung-Piaw Teo).
Data-Driven Robust Incomplete Information Games and Bounded Rationality. under preparation. (With Chung-Piaw Teo)
Intermediary Agri-Service Providers with Co-Production: The Impact of Farm Size on Performance. under preparation. (With Omkar Palsule-Desai and Chung-Piaw Teo).